Cocktail with moustache: the Negroni


The cocktail invented by the homonymous count of Florence prepared at L’Altro Chiosco in Ponte Milvio (Rome) by the barman and mustachioed comrade Savo


The Negroni is certain one of the most famous cocktail in italy legacy of the ’20s, a period of great cultural ferment and rebirth after the destruction and suffering of WWI. This cocktail comes from this wonderful period when intellectuals, the nobility and high bourgeoisie discoursed of their ideas in front of a drink in the coffee shop by setting up artistic movements (as Futurism), organize political parties and planning daring actions like the taking of Fiume (actual Rijeka). One of the liveliest “cafes” of that Italy in black and white was the Casoni in Florence and right in between the walls of this place comes the cocktail in question. The inventor was Count Camillo Negroni, an eminent figure of the Florentine nobility who in life sported a luxuriant handlebar mustache (see photo), and suggested to the barman Fosco Scarselli to correct the American Cocktail with gin. Probably the Count dictated this recipe inspired by some of his trip to the United States or England where he spent long periods and where he probably was initiated to the practice of the mixed drink very popular in these countries, while in Italy they moved the first steps of bartending.


It seems that the Count was a mighty drinker, able to swallow over 40 Negroni in an evening (however served in smalls cups for Cordiale), really impressive numbers for a character who had a busy and interesting life full like his moustaches. The ingredients of this cocktail with whiskers are 1 ounce of Campari, 1 ounce of red Vermouth, 1 ounce of Gin and an orange slice. Below you can find a video with all the steps of the recipe shown by the moustached bartender Savo who has the honor of serving the “Mo sista” Elena sitting at the counter of l’Altro Chiosco in Ponte Milvio (Rome) already the official headquarter of our Moustache Academy (Accademia del baffo).

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