This brilliant Australian born Naples descent filmaker creator of the moustache classic Italian Spiderman gently answer to our furries questions

We had the pleasure to interview Dario Russo probably one of the most crazy and at the same time brilliant directors of recent times. Born in Adelaide but of Italian descent by his father native of Naples – Benevento district – while her mother is of Baltic origin, this mustachioed film maker genius has created a cult feature movie of the caliber of Italian Spiderman, supermustachioedhero of Italian origins, product and directed by himself as a graduation thesis at Flinders University.
Started with a trailer of few minutes published November 8 on youtube, this short fragment shot in 16mm quickly became a mass phenomenon by collecting more than 4 million hits so that the South Australian Film Corporation decided to finance 10 episodes of this webseries that soon became a cult. After the success with the Italian superhero the director has venture upon the SBS TV Series Danger 5, another big success soon became cult in which a group of 5 spies try to hunt Hitler hindering his obscure world domination between buxom Nazi woman, monkey men, dinosaurs and absurd effects of each type.

Started with a trailer of few minutes published November 8 on youtube, this short fragment shot in 16mm quickly became a mass phenomenon by collecting more than 4 million hits so that the South Australian Film Corporation decided to finance 10 episodes of this webseries that soon became a cult. After the success with the Italian superhero the director has venture upon the SBS TV Series Danger 5, another big success soon became cult in which a group of 5 spies try to hunt Hitler hindering his obscure world domination between buxom Nazi woman, monkey men, dinosaurs and absurd effects of each type.

From pictures of you on the internet we note that the mustache is a characteristic trait of your face, from what does this passion come from (Style choice, family tradition, or something else)?
There is definitely not a strong tradition of moustache wearing in my immediate family. So maybe it’s an act of rebellion. That and I don’t like my face when it doesn’t have a moustache on it. Plus I hate clean shaving.
Italian Spiderman is probably the work that has made you more popular in Australia and around the world, why have you decided that he should have had mustache? Is the Italian moustache cliché still so strong in the red continent?
Racial stereotyping was probably the only factor that did not influence the decision. There were a number of reasons: David Ashby (who plays Italian Spiderman) looked like a child without a moustache. Super heroes are usually clean cut, clean shaven guys, Italian Spiderman is the opposite of that preconception. “Real Men” in the 70s wore moustaches. And of course we wanted to model him on the most famous Italian in history, Super Mario.

We at baffiabuffo are big fan of mustache (real or fake), David Ashby, the actor who play italian spiderman was wearing fake moustache, he wasn’t quite naturally gifted – as you said before – or it was a scenic expedient?
David Ashby, my business partner, is Italian Spiderman. He can grow a fine moustache (As evidenced the beard he grew for his role as Jackson in Danger 5). At the time we shot Italian Spiderman however, he refused to grow facial hair. Plus the obvious fake-ness of the moustache added another layer of stupidity the whole affair.
While greeting you for the scene in which Italian Spiderman launches its psychic mustache making explode an enemy head (in our opinion one of the most incredible moments of cinematic history), and since we have also noticed several mustached characters in Danger 5, we want to ask you if you are a bit obsessed with this hairy facial appendix and also we would like to know what you think about relationship between moustache and cinema?
I have no idea where my Moustache-centric habits come from. All of my short films before Italian Spiderman featured a lot of fake moustaches too come to think of it. The Moustache and cinema are intrinsically linked. Imagine a clean shaven Caesar Romero, Burt Reynolds or Charlie Chaplin. Unthinkable. And on the other side of the camera too! Spielberg, Lucas, Coppola, Kubrick all famous facial hair wearers. This is maybe where their cosmic auteur powers come from.
In an historical moment in which gender roles are becoming less marked, do you think the mustache can help to restore order?
My growth rate is pretty weak and I can’t grow a full beard so I would probably be doomed to an administrative job in a moustache-ocracy. But I think it would work in the favour of most full blooded Italians… clever tactic to restore the Roman Empire.
What are your preferences in terms of shaving (straight razor, disposable, electric etc.)? Do you go regularly to the barbershop, if so which one/s?
I use an electric razor. Though I am going to invest in some kind of fancy trimming kit also to deal with strays. I have never been to a barbershop for facial reasons.
In your future movies we really hope that this moustached coefficient will still remain high, by the way could you tell us what are you working on, or rather, what are your plans for the future, are you planning an Italian Spiderman sequel?
I am developing some new projects with David Ashby. We can’t announce anything yet, but there are new things on the horizon. No plans for more Italian Spiderman. May he live on in our hearts and dreams and moustaches.